Growing up Sunday was the day for family. Typical Sunday mornings included waking up and crawling into my parents bed for what started out as sleepy snuggles and ended in the week's best tickle fest. My father always made a large breakfast of eggs, an over-abundance of white buttery toast and some sort of breakfast meat. After a clean-up session with all hands on deck, the day progressed into yard work or a random home renovation. Before we knew where the day had gone, we missed lunch and mom was preparing a large feast for our hungry bellies. This meal always consisted of some sort of meat roast, fresh or blanched vegetables large amounts of pasta or potato and a salad. Today Ryan and I have come to have the same schedule. Being the only day we have sun-up to sun-down together we take advantage of the much needed family time. Today we would like to share our dinner and inspire you too, to gather.
When we eat red meat we like to make it amazing. Grass fed is best and can be found for a decent price at your local butcher and higher-end supermarkets. I hear you now, "I'm on a budget". Please keep in mind you are, for a young family of four or five you're only going to look to get between 2 and 3 pounds. This "rule of thumb" yields 3 generous steaks, one for each of the "adults" and one to split between the 2 or three kids. The thing I didn't learn from my loving parents was portion control. This is where your budget AND waistline benefit. Today our table will hold strip steaks. Known for being a good cut with decent marbling, ones with semi-bone in are fine but if you find them with the full bone...grab it and run.
Steaks are a relatively thin piece of meat and are cooked over direct heat. We like a grill on medium or a cast iron grill pan on your stove top turned to medium-high. Let your steaks come to room temperature and pat them dry with a paper towel. Ssprinkle liberally with kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. As for rubs and marinades, if you insist on using them, now is the time to do so. Steaks have a wonderful texture and flavor of their own, we suggest just the salt and pepper to enhance the somewhat expensive meat's flavor rather than cover up all that meaty goodness.
Once you have placed your steak on the grill don't move it for 3-4 minutes, turning then 90 degrees for an additional 2-3 minutes. FLIP ONCE, cooking an additional 4-6 minutes turning 90 degrees half way through cook time. Once cooked remove your steak from the grill and let it set for 2-3 minutes to let all the juices come back from the cooked surfaces. Depending on your grill or cook tops temp. this should set you at a good medium. Lower the time for rare to medium rare(our fave) or up the time for well done. In our opinions for well done steaks save yourself the money and just munch on one of the charcoal briquettes. Finish the steaks off with a pat of butter(approx 1/2 teaspoon) and let it melt into the meat before serving and cutting.
With our steak dinner we will begin with a spring mix salad, homemade Greek garlic ranch and side dishes of roasted sweet potatoes tossed in olive oil, dark agave, and scallion and lemon steamed broccoli.
We hope our steak info came in handy. What did you make for your Super Sunday Family dinner?
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